Sondre Lerche med julesang for Syria

Sammen med den amerikanske samtidskomponisten Jherek Bischoff har Sondre Lerche laget en sterk og bevegende julesang, «Surviving Christmas», som kan høres her på Stereogum. Den går rett inn i krisen vi ser der horder av syrere på flukt fra krig, masseutryddelse, tortur og meningsundertrykkelse strømmer til Europa. Flyktningene skaper dessverre harde fronter der de i altfor stor grad blir møtt med mer vold, hetsing og branner på asylmottak, senest her hjemme i natt, da et asylmottak i Hemsedal (sannsynligvis) ble påtent og 162 mennesker måtte evakueres fra sitt midlertidige hjem, mange av dem barn. Slikt er ikke pent. Sondre Lerches sang appellerer både til vår kollektive og personlige dårlige samvittighet, med en innbydende og vakker melodi i et utspekulert «julete» arrangement.
Sjekk også: Streaming for Syria
«Surviving Christmas»
Let’s build a man from all the snow
That fell to earth not long ago
We’ll dress him up, give him a nose
Some stones for eyes that he can’t close
The snow is melting in the sun
But he will freeze when day is done
He can’t come in, he’ll have to stay
Out in the cold, out on display
Surviving Christmas is no abnormal feat
To any snowman frozen on the street
But an avalanche of vile debris
Can bring a snowman to his knees
He has a wife, they have two boys
They had a life that fate destroyed
He’ll cross an ocean in the desperate hope
That compassion awaits at the end of his rope
We pride ourselves with empathy
And wear it like an accessory
Yet the plight of others don’t fit in here
At least not now, this time of year
Surviving Christmas is no abnormal feat
To any snowman frozen on the street
But an avalanche of vile debris
Can bring a snowman to his knees
Our homes lit up by Christmas lights
and folks who share the human right
To safety, love and decency
Especially on Christmas Eve
The snowman right outside your door
Is no exception though we tend to ignore
The frosted souls with no hats, no decor
Melted down or washed ashore
They didn’t want to leave their home
They simply have nowhere else to go
This tired lesson is nothing new
So what good can these few couplets do?
If you’re still singing along with me
I’m sure you wouldn’t disagree
That Christmas only truly begins
When we invite the snowman in